A Journey of Self-Introduction

A Journey of Self-Introduction

Hello everyone, let me to introduce myself. My name is Alvi Dwi Aryani, and nicknamed Alvi. I’m a Geography student at Universitas Indonesia. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve delved into various phenomena from different perspectives, particularly spatial perspectives. It’s where I found geography to be the right major for me, and I’ve grown to enjoy it.

Fieldtrip as a Geography Student

As a Geography student, I got used to working in the field, such as taking soil samples, interviewing respondents using questionnaires. I think it was a new experience to learn outside the campus. Since then I have liked learning to go to the field, because I can find out the real conditions of a phenomenon.

This relates to my motivation in choosing SEAMEO BIOTROP as the company for my participation in MSIB Batch 6. There are several divisions involved in mapping, which sparked my desire to enhance skills I hadn’t previously explored. I have also studied soil before, SEAMEO BIOTROP are also the reason that I know the condition of bad soil more specifically by choosing the topic of Suboptimal Land (LSO). I hope that by engaging in this program, the experiences I gain will not only improve my abilities but also provide me with fresh perspectives on the challenges I’ll encounter during my internship. These experiences will serve as valuable assets so that when I enter the world of work.

One of The Activities in Seameo Biotrop


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