LSO (Learn Something tOday) “Throwback week 2 at SEAMEO BIOTROP” MSIB Batch 6 Students Mobilization

LSO (Learn Something tOday) “Throwback week 2 at SEAMEO BIOTROP” MSIB Batch 6  Students Mobilization
MSIB Batch 6 Students Who Arrive First at The Implementation of Mobilization

MSIB Batch 6 Students Mobilization (26 February – 8 March)

The departure mobilization for MSIB Batch 6 is provided by the MSIB team in accordance with applicable terms and conditions. There are several transportation options available, such as trains, planes, and others. This mobilization is not carried out arbitrarily; partners must also confirm the arrival and departure of students.

The mobilization activities for MSIB Batch 6 students began on February 26, 2024. Overall, students come from outside Bogor City, which takes quite a long time to travel from their hometowns to SEAMEO BIOTROP. Students arrive gradually; some arrive earlier for those still on Java Island, while those living outside Java Island come when March begins. The staggered arrivals allow almost all participants of MSIB Batch 6 who arrive early to have the opportunity to introduce themselves to SEAMEO BIOTROP staff, mentors, and fellow MSIB participants. Not only that, the opportunity to familiarize oneself with all locations, rooms, and other facilities ahead of time compared to participants whose arrivals are in the later period.

This mobilization marks the initial step for MSIB Batch 6 participants in carrying out independent campus internship activities for the next 5 months. It is hoped that during the internship, we will gain new experiences that we never had before.


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