The First Chapter: My BIOTROP Journey

The First Chapter: My BIOTROP Journey

Greetings, folks! Can you believe it’s already been a whirlwind of over a month since we all started our journey in SEAMEO BIOTROP? But, oh, what a month it has been! But before I dive into the details, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself.

Hello! My name is Nurul Izza Afifah Sugeha. I am an undergraduate Chemistry major at the University of Indonesia. (The one who’s staring at the fish in the aquarium is me!) As a student of chemistry, securing an internship that aligns with my field was imperative for me, leading me to explore various companies interconnected with the realm of chemistry.

The application process was, to put it mildly, a rollercoaster of emotions. The suspense of waiting for any form of communication, wondering whether I had qualified or not, was indeed a test of patience (a sentiment many of you can likely relate to). The journey to securing this internship was fraught with choices that left me feeling overwhelmed, yet here I am, having navigated through those turbulent times to find myself amongst some incredible people, especially the LSO team, who have been a constant source of support from Monday to Friday, every week.

When pondering over what motivated me to pursue an internship at SEAMEO BIOTROP, the answer is twofold: I aimed to broaden my network and deepen my knowledge. My desire to explore and learn about new things was the beacon guiding me through this process.

Reflecting on the past month, my internship has been a blend of highs and lows, each moment a valuable lesson. The experiences I’ve gained here have imparted knowledge that extends far beyond the confines of my university education. For this, and for the path that led me here, I am profoundly grateful.

Embarking on this journey with SEAMEO BIOTROP has not only enriched my understanding of chemistry in practical terms but has also provided me with an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share my passion for science and discovery.


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